How my journey began
Hey there! I’m Stacy Goldstein and I’m a mindset coach that helps working professional mothers to serve themselves, rediscover their true selves, and find peace to feel not so empty even when you feel like your life ”should feel” fulfilling. Remember that you are a unique person who was not lost to having a family or their career. Find yourself again!
(P.S. when that happens, guilt and overwhelm start to melt away!)
So who am I and why should you care?
I’m so glad you asked.
I’ve always been very independent, strong-willed…and maybe a bit hard-headed. I work hard to be the best at whatever I set out to do, and I’m proud of my achievements. I love my friends and family deeply, and they have always been my priority. I’m also a recovering people pleaser (from when my desire to serve goes into overdrive). I’ve worked in healthcare for over 20 years, and it has given my heart of service so much fulfillment that my career has been very satisfying. I’ve always been happy to pursue anything…baking, traveling, scuba diving, snowboarding (nevermind, let's go back to skiing), running a marathon…whatever I was interested in.
I’m a weird dichotomy of homebody but loves to travel, loves to serve but strongly independent, loves to indulge in personal projects but loves to spend all the time I can with those I love, wants to be a stay at home mom but a workaholic in my professional life.
When I became a wife and a mother, my heart was filled to the brim as all I wanted to do was to serve my husband and these wonderful little humans to the best of my ability.
I struggled to keep up with all of the world’s expectations of who and what I was supposed to be…personally and professionally. My desire to serve combined with my desire to excel at everything sucked me dry…and then some. While I was happy to serve others, I was losing sight of myself. I was unhappy, impatient, and felt like I didn’t matter anymore (which, by the way, wasn’t–and isn’t–the case, I just couldn’t see it at the time). I had great support surrounding me, but didn’t use it because I was too proud to admit that I was unhappy. I figured that since I was “checking all the boxes” of the world’s expectations, that this was just how it was supposed to be.
But deep down, there was a voice that I was trying to drown out which persisted in trying to convince me that that was not the truth.
The one-two punch of a premature child, and then a cancer diagnosis for myself served as a wake up call to life.
To say that I hit a low point is putting it lightly. But I had to get it together…if nothing else, at least for my kids’ sake.
So I tried “self care”--quiet time, some exercise, some healthier food–but that still left me feeling like something was missing. I still felt like I wasn’t truly happy. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.
I started to listen to that little voice. I started to realize that so many of the things that I was doing weren’t things that I wanted to do, and in some cases, they were things that weren’t aligned with my true self. I started to delve into who my “true self” really was, and gave myself permission to spend time evaluating what that meant. I realized that I had to let go of others’ expectations in order to create a life of alignment and deeper joy.
Then I stumbled across Yes Supply. I was drawn to the Yes Supply method life coaching certification as it so closely mirrored my own deep work. And as I worked through the program, my work went even deeper, to the subconscious level.
Life changing doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.
Oh, and guess what? All of the answers I was looking for?
I found all the answers I needed inside myself.
I figured out that the emptiness that I was feeling deep inside wasn’t emptiness after all.
It was the true self that I’d pushed into a corner who was tired of being ignored. It was there all along.
And your answers are inside of you, too, just waiting for you to bring them to the surface. You just have to push through some deep rooted limiting beliefs, emotions, and mindset blocks to find them.
This is why I’m so passionate about helping working professional mothers to release limitations and reconnect to themselves so that they can live with incredible freedom, fulfillment, joy, and peace…without stumbling around for years like I did.
Which just makes this whole journey of motherhood (and life) so much better, now doesn’t it?!
Yes Supply has given me the tools to change lives for the better at a subconscious level. As part of my certification, I am certified in mindset coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Neural Energetic Wiring, Neural Energetic Encoding, and hypnosis.
MY answers are not YOUR answers. What works for me may not work for you. YOUR answers are deep inside of YOU. Let’s unearth them together so that you can create the motherhood of your dreams!
What People Are Saying

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.
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Let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together so that you can achieve your dreams.